Kaidi Office USA

Elevate Your Brand

Strengthen Your Business by Partnering with KAIDI.
The last H.A.T. manufacturer you will ever need.


The ergonomics industry is changing faster than ever. Selling standing desks is at the height of its competitiveness with innovation, price, and reliability driving the market.

So how can you compete?

We work with our customers to understand their specific business models. With personal knowledge, our American-based account managers can provide competitive, new, and reliable products, training, and marketing collateral at a price that enables you to win more business.


Because we own the entire process, we control lead-times, quality, and more. This allows us to keep pricing low and provide comprehensive customer service. You will never need to worry about missing an important deadline or suffering quality issues. 

We will stay connected through ongoing communication so we can help you anticipate and proactively solve problems before they even start. You’ll enjoy more uptime and profitability. 

By keeping our engineering, development and assembly departments stateside, we’re able to keep costs low and assure success for you and your customers. 

Teams within Kaidi are set up to keep you current in today’s market as well as work side by side with you to set the stage for tomorrow’s.

Introducing the EASIEST and FASTEST base to assemble in the market.


San Jose, California

Sales, Support, Customer Service

Grand Haven, Michigan

Sales, Support, Customer Service, Warehousing, Engineering & Design, Assembly & Production

Grand Rapids, Michigan

Sales, Support, Customer Service

Toronto, Canada

Sales, Support, Customer Service

Baldwyn, Mississippi

Warehousing, Support, Customer Service

Munich, Germany

Sales, Support, Customer Service

Hamburg, Germany

Sales, Support, Customer Service, Warehousing

Hanover, Germany

Sales, Support, Customer Service

Stockholm, Sweden

Sales, Support, Customer Service

Warsaw, Poland

Sales, Support, Customer Service

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Manufacturing, Warehousing

Changzhou, China

Headquarters, Manufacturing, Engineering & Design, Sales, Support, Customer Service

Guangzhou, China

Sales, Support, Customer Service

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Proin malesuada augue purus, et imperdiet est dapibus eget. Nunc diam nibh, efficitur vel semper nec, consectetur quis odio. Vivamus posuere, dui et gravida tempus, velit metus vehicula libero, eu sagittis lacus neque at orci. Donec tincidunt molestie hendrerit. Vestibulum vitae lectus sed eros pulvinar eleifend at mollis magna. Phasellus sit amet vulputate augue. Etiam in maximus felis. Integer ac ipsum ut lacus consequat malesuada. Pellentesque finibus urna vitae rutrum posuere. Donec quis massa a mauris eleifend luctus ac hendrerit nulla. Mauris blandit, libero in consectetur efficitur, arcu dolor porttitor odio, vitae tristique nibh odio nec nisl. Aliquam erat volutpat.

Nulla sed sollicitudin turpis, venenatis finibus ante. Duis dictum hendrerit nisl quis rutrum. In ac iaculis dui. Proin elit quam, tincidunt vel mollis ac, egestas quis sapien. Donec a commodo urna. Aliquam sit amet libero at dui congue rhoncus. Nulla venenatis quam sed ultrices ullamcorper. Sed imperdiet molestie accumsan.