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SUPER simple way to exchange contact information. No one has to take any verbal dictation to try and spell out someone else’s email address. Prospect enters in THEIR OWN EMAIL. Then this form automatically emails the respective KAIDI personnel the Prospects email address. Simultaneously, emails the Prospect an automated email as though from the KAIDI personnel, themself. The email is already pre-loaded with the KAIDI Personnel’s email signature.

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Height Adjustable Tables reach new heights with KAIDI Quick Install Frame. Faster Setup Than Ever Before.

Height Adjustable Tables reach new heights with KAIDI Quick Install Frame. Faster Setup Than Ever Before.

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Height Adjustable Tables reach new heights with KAIDI Quick Install Frame. Reducing fasteners means you reduce set up time.

Height Adjustable Tables reach new heights with KAIDI Quick Install Frame. Reducing fasteners means you reduce set up time.

Learn more about the V2, here.

Super Simple and Easy! The Quick Install Frame does not need any tools to install the frame to the column.

KAIDI table troubleshooting can generally be resolved by disconnecting all connections, reconnecting (taking care to ensure all connections are secure) and then following the Initializing steps. Please refer to the following video for step-by-step instructions.
For additional troubleshooting, click here.
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