Another Excellent NeoCon

With COVID-19 precautions lowered, we were all excited to join the throngs of designers and engineers for new inspiration and connections. Everyone was eager to showcase their next big thing.

KAIDI USA was no exception. Our engineers have been continually developing the height adjustable table and making it more simple to set up and to start working. We were eager to meet with other convention attendees and ready for 3 days convention craziness!

Though attendance wasn’t up to pre-pandemic levels, our sales team definitely had ample guests asking about how KAIDI is ready to take their business to the next level.

Even though NeoCon was hit with tornado warning sirens in the evening of Day 1. AND THEN 95 degree temperatures for the city on the remaining days, we kept our moods up definitely found ways to beat the heat.

The new V3 table frame is sure to revolutionize your offerings and boost customer satisfaction. Our team was very excited to show off these new features and loved hearing the feedback. Now, EVERYTHING will be quick install. 

If you’d like news on the up and coming V3 base, reach out to your KAIDI sales rep. We will be sending out updates as development continues.

Most of all, we were excited to meet with all of our customers who have chosen to partner with KAIDI to grow their business. We are excited to develop alongside them and provide the best sales and support we can offer. 

Thanks for a great show! And we’ll see you again next year!

Looking to take your eCommerce business to new heights? Request a Call. Let us show how KAIDI can can work for you!

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