KAIDI wows at CIFF 2022

The World’s first and largest furniture fair that represents the entire supply chain, 49th CIFF Guangzhou took place late July. Nearly 4,000 domestic and international brands, over 700,000 m² of exhibition space,  over 6 exhibition halls, an exciting line-up of exhibitors displayed their latest in high-level design, upholstery, and customization.

  Kaidi was proud to represent the height adjusting desk industry with a stunning showcase!

As KAIDI celebrates 30 years developing the linear actuator, the team was proud to showcase all of the generations of the KAIDI desk. From the classic single motor desks, all the way to the latest Quick Install Feet with lever action.

What a cute Wack-A-Mole display! 

There are so many opportunities to utilize KAIDI products to create your own unique workplace solutions. Team KAIDI is so happy to have the privilege to showcase the work of the talented engineers. And as KAIDI continues to develop and innovate, we can’t wait to share them with you! 

Looking to take your eCommerce business to new heights? Request a Call. Let us show how KAIDI can can work for you!

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