A Look into CIFF 2024


The buzz in the furniture industry is palpable as we gear up for another exciting edition of the China International Furniture Fair (CIFF) in Guangzhou. CIFF has firmly established itself as a global powerhouse, setting the stage for cutting-edge trends, innovative designs, and groundbreaking technologies in the furniture sector. This year’s show aims to create a high-level event focusing on the supply chain, showcasing cutting-edge solutions in the production of machinery, materials, and components for the furniture industry, and making a valuable contribution to the development of industry trends.

KAIDI will unveil our latest creations and showcase our commitment to excellence and innovation. As the industry converges at this prestigious event, we’re excited to connect with fellow industry leaders who share our passion for pushing the boundaries of what’s possible.

Stay tuned as we bring you exclusive insights, highlights, and behind-the-scenes glimpses from CIFF 2024. Join us on this exhilarating journey as we navigate the realms of design, innovation, and creativity at one of the most prestigious events in the furniture industry.

Join KAIDI and experience firsthand how our designs and sustainable solutions are shaping the future of modern office furniture. Engage with our experts and engineers, explore our latest offerings, and discover how our products can elevate your business.

Find us at Booth 8.1D08

CIFF Guangzhou
Phase 2: Office & Commercial Space
March 28-31, 2024
Guangzhou International Convention and Exhibition Center


Looking to take your eCommerce business to new heights? Request a Call. Let us show how KAIDI can can work for you!

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